
5 reasons why you should learn first aid

5 reasons why you should learn first aid

Date: Thursday, 21 January 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Courses, Training

Have your New Year’s Resolutions gone out of the window already? Perhaps it would be easier to put your diet on hold, at least until after Pancake Day... or Easter. Plus there’s really no point in starting up that strict exercise regime until the weather gets a little warmer – icicles on your running trainers? Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

But on the road to self-improvement it’s good to start as you mean to go on, so rather than putting off your goals until the spring, why not start off by learning a new set of skills with the potential to save lives? 

Emergency First Aid: How to Locate your Nearest Defibrillator

Emergency First Aid: How to Locate your Nearest Defibrillator

Date: Wednesday, 13 January 2016. -  
Blog, Defibrillators, Training

In our previous blog post, we highlighted the issues surrounding emergency response times and the impact that they can have in life-threatening situations. We also promoted the benefits of learning first aid so that individuals can step in and do everything in their power to help save casualties in a critical condition.

However, in some instances, individuals will not have access to the advanced medical equipment needed to provide effective treatment for the patient. Sudden cardiac arrest is a prime example of one of these instances.

Six-year-old girl chokes to death after 30 minute wait for paramedics

Six-year-old girl chokes to death after 30 minute wait for paramedics

Date: Friday, 08 January 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Paediatric

There’s no doubt about it that the emergency services are life savers. They are super heroes in our eyes, knights in shining armour dashing to our rescue on their noble steeds. In fact, they possibly have the most rewarding job of all as they work tirelessly to help others on a daily basis.

However, they cannot always reach us when we need them most.

Imperative Training – What should be in your first aid kit?

Imperative Training – What should be in your first aid kit?

Date: Monday, 21 December 2015. -  
Blog, First Aid

A first aid kit should be readily available if someone suffers an accident, whether this is at home, work, school or any public setting.

In many cases, this is a legal requirement. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations state that all workplaces must have a properly stocked first aid kit on site to deal with medical situations.

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