Health & Safety

How many First Aiders does my business need?

How many First Aiders does my business need?

Aaron Curran
Posted by: Aaron Curran

Date: Friday, 24 May 2024. -  
Blog, First Aid, Health & Safety

Introducing first aid policies to your business not only helps protect your team and reputation, but it is also necessary to follow UK law.

Guidance provided from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) can be confusing, so Imperative Training have put together a brief article on everything you need to know to protect your business.

Why does my business need a first aider?

Why does my business need a first aider?

Date: Wednesday, 15 September 2021. -  
Blog, First Aid, Courses, Training, Health & Safety

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 requires all employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work.

Accidents can happen at any time within the workplace and first aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones.

How You Can Remove The Hazards From Your Workplace

How You Can Remove The Hazards From Your Workplace

Rio Bray
Posted by: Rio Bray

Date: Friday, 24 May 2019. -  
Blog, Health & Safety

Every workplace has its own hazards, whether they are physical like trips and falls, or chemical hazards – both of which can cause serious harm to employees. No matter which hazards your workplace faces, there is a legal responsibility as an employer to protect employees and put their safety first.

Do you know about Diabetes?

Do you know about Diabetes?

Rio Bray
Posted by: Rio Bray

Date: Thursday, 27 September 2018. -  
Blog, Health & Safety

Diabetes is a chronic illness, which causes a person’s blood glucose level to become too high. Sadly, more people than ever are suffering from diabetes, with over 4.6 million people living with this condition in the UK. While it is possible to live a normal life after a diabetes diagnosis, without the right treatment and care, there can be many health complications.

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