Fire Safety

Why Fire Safety is so important for your business

Why Fire Safety is so important for your business

Aaron Curran
Posted by: Aaron Curran

Date: Friday, 26 April 2024. -  
Blog, Fire Safety

In every business, there are certain risks and dangers; one risk that is present in almost all businesses across the UK is fire. A fire can break out in any premises if the correct safety measures are not followed.

To combat this risk, it’s important that your employees have up-to-date fire safety training. This protects your team and your premises from a fire breaking out, and best equips you to deal with one if it does happen.

imperative training’s Guide to Fire Safety

imperative training’s Guide to Fire Safety

Sarah McLoughlin
Posted by: Sarah McLoughlin

Date: Friday, 09 March 2018. -  
Blog, Fire Safety

Most fires that start are accidental, but the effects can be devastating. Approximately 80% of businesses that have had a serious fire are likely to go out of business within three years.

By knowing what can be done to reduce the chances of a fire starting, you will be able to take the necessary precautions that will avoid fires starting as a result of careless actions. 

Fire Safety: Seven Fire Safety Tips that could Save Your Life

Fire Safety: Seven Fire Safety Tips that could Save Your Life

Jenny Brannan
Posted by: Jenny Brannan

Date: Friday, 04 August 2017. -  
Blog, Fire Safety

Fires can happen at any time and in many instances, can be fatal. 

In every home, there is the potential for a fire catching, due to various, everyday activities and objects that are found around the home. 

Essential First Aid: Treating Burns

Essential First Aid: Treating Burns

Jenny Brannan
Posted by: Jenny Brannan

Date: Wednesday, 28 June 2017. -  
Blog, First Aid, Fire Safety

Burns are common injuries that can occur under various circumstances, in and out of the workplace. This particular type of injury causes damage to the skin following exposure to a strong heat source. 

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