
Safety First: are you doing enough to protect your employees?

Safety First: are you doing enough to protect your employees?

Date: Friday, 10 June 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Defibrillators, Courses, Training

Regulations set out by the Health and Safety (First Aid) legislation of 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment to ensure that employees receive immediate attention if they are taken ill or are injured in the workplace.

It’s also important to introduce safety precautions and make sure that employees have access to equipment to provide unwell or injured members of staff with the treatment they need to make a speedy recovery.

But where do you start? Well, that’s where we come in! This handy flowchart will give you a quick oversight of everything you need to guarantee that your workplace meets all of the safety requirements and more. 


World Heart Rhythm Week

World Heart Rhythm Week

Date: Monday, 06 June 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Defibrillators

Heart rhythm problems affect more than two million people a year in the UK. Certain types of arrhythmia can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, which kills nearly 100,000 people in the UK every year. 
Many of these deaths could be prevented if heart arrhythmias were diagnosed earlier - this is where World Heart Rhythm Week comes in. 
The ultimate guide to using a defibrillator

The ultimate guide to using a defibrillator

Date: Thursday, 26 May 2016. -  
Blog, First Aid, Defibrillators, Courses, Training

Only 20% of people experiencing a cardiac arrest are in a shockable rhythm when the emergency services arrive at the scene. Without immediate treatment, a whopping 90 – 95% of people will die, which is why it’s so important to promote the use of public access defibrillators.
But when you have limited or no experiencing using a defibrillator, where do you start? At imperative training, it’s our mission to save lives and getting people up to speed on how to use defibrillators is top of our priorities. So first things first....
Purchasing the perfect AED: your guide to unique selling points and key features

Purchasing the perfect AED: your guide to unique selling points and key features

Date: Tuesday, 26 April 2016. -  
Blog, Defibrillators, Courses, Training

Still searching for that perfect workplace defibrillator? Struggling to find the right device for you? No problem! Below, we’ve shared an exclusive guide compiling supportive evidence from an independent study to pinpoint the factors you must consider before selecting a defibrillator for your working environment. 
Sound like a dream come true? We thought so, read on to discover everything you need to know to help you select the perfect defibrillator.
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