
When and why should a defibrillator be used?

When and why should a defibrillator be used?

Sarah McLoughlin
Posted by: Sarah McLoughlin

Date: Wednesday, 29 November 2017. -  
Blog, Defibrillators

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and effective CPR is the only definitive treatment for a victim of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart, through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest in an attempt to restart the heart in a regular rhythm. 

Why is Knowing how to Perform CPR so Important?

Why is Knowing how to Perform CPR so Important?

Sarah McLoughlin
Posted by: Sarah McLoughlin

Date: Wednesday, 11 October 2017. -  
Blog, Defibrillators

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is a life-saving skill that everyone should have as you never know when you may need CPR to save a person’s life.

People die every day from cardiac arrest, drowning, smoke inhalation and other causes as a result of family members, friends and bystanders who do not know how to respond to an emergency situation effectively.

In the time it takes the emergency services to arrive to the scene, the victim’s chance of survival is rapidly decreasing. Often, it is too late which is why bystander CPR is so important. 

How lowering your Cholesterol can help Your Heart

How lowering your Cholesterol can help Your Heart

Sarah McLoughlin
Posted by: Sarah McLoughlin

Date: Thursday, 05 October 2017. -  
Blog, Defibrillators

This month is National Cholesterol Month, which is a campaign that aims to raise awareness of the dangers of high cholesterol. The month-long campaign includes various fundraising activities that will take place throughout October to raise money for Heart UK, a charity that aims to prevent premature deaths caused by high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

By raising funds, we are allowing them to continue with providing life-saving work and guidance to the public and other industries where cholesterol is concerned.

Cardiac Arrest: What does one look like?

Cardiac Arrest: What does one look like?

Sarah McLoughlin
Posted by: Sarah McLoughlin

Date: Thursday, 07 September 2017. -  
Blog, Defibrillators

A cardiac arrest can affect anyone at any given time or place. The UK survival rates of a cardiac arrest lag behind other developed countries, however, a cardiac arrest is reversible in most cases if treatment is provided right way. It is therefore important to know what to do if a person suffers a cardiac arrest in order to reduce the number of deaths that occur as a result.

It is vital to take action immediately as every second counts for the victim and it is important to limit the time between collapse and treatment in order to increase their chance of survival. We explore the steps that you can take to help save a person’s life if you witness anyone experiencing a cardiac arrest.

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