
Sportspeople whose lives were saved by CPR, and why everyone should have the same chance

Sportspeople whose lives were saved by CPR, and why everyone should have the same chance

Aaron Curran
Posted by: Aaron Curran

Date: Thursday, 09 May 2024. -  
Blog, First Aid, First Aid Emergencies

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the ultimate medical emergency - when the heart stops beating, immediate action is required to prevent death.

Every minute without Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) reduces the chances of survival by around 10%. The issue of SCA has been pushed into the media due to high profile cases such as Christian Eriksen and NFL player Damar Hamlin.

Luckily, these athletes survived thanks to decisive action from the people around them who administered CPR and used an AED. At Imperative Training, we believe everyone should have the same opportunity at survival should cardiac arrest strike.

Keeping safe at your Summer Barbecue

Keeping safe at your Summer Barbecue

Aaron Curran
Posted by: Aaron Curran

Date: Monday, 29 April 2024. -  
Blog, First Aid, First Aid Emergencies

A big part of British summer is making the most of the limited sunshine before it inevitably rains.

One of the nation’s favourite pastimes when the sun is out is a barbecue, but do you know how to react if an accident strikes your back garden barbecue?

Imperative has looked at some of the most common barbecue medical incidents and how to respond.

Why Fire Safety is so important for your business

Why Fire Safety is so important for your business

Aaron Curran
Posted by: Aaron Curran

Date: Friday, 26 April 2024. -  
Blog, Fire Safety

In every business, there are certain risks and dangers; one risk that is present in almost all businesses across the UK is fire. A fire can break out in any premises if the correct safety measures are not followed.

To combat this risk, it’s important that your employees have up-to-date fire safety training. This protects your team and your premises from a fire breaking out, and best equips you to deal with one if it does happen.

Can I revive someone with CPR alone?

Can I revive someone with CPR alone?

Aaron Curran
Posted by: Aaron Curran

Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024. -  
Blog, First Aid

When someone suffers a cardiac arrest, immediate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is vital for the best chance at survival. CPR acts as a manual pump for the heart, continuing to push blood to vital organs while the heart’s normal rhythm has stopped.

Yet is CPR by itself enough to revive someone who has suffered Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?

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