First Aid

Imperative Easter Eggs Part 2 – Health and Safety Pitfalls Revealed

Imperative Easter Eggs Part 2 – Health and Safety Pitfalls Revealed

Jenny Brannan
Posted by: Jenny Brannan

Date: Thursday, 20 April 2017. -  
Blog, First Aid, Health & Safety

As an Easter treat last week, we presented 3 stories from various job perspectives, which all displayed various health and safety hazards that were being ignored in the workplace, by our characters.

Were you eagle-eyed enough to spot them all? Read on to find out... 

Imperative’s Top Tips for a Happy, Healthy Workplace

Imperative’s Top Tips for a Happy, Healthy Workplace

Jenny Brannan
Posted by: Jenny Brannan

Date: Wednesday, 22 March 2017. -  
Blog, First Aid, Defibrillators

Every day, it’s the same routine for the majority of us. We get out of bed, we go to work, we come home, eat dinner and then go to bed in readiness to do it all over again, five days a week.

For many people, they spend more time at work than they do at home; for full-time workers, in excess of 30 hours a week is spent at work. That’s more than 100 hours a month! 

Reasons to Quit the Cigs

Reasons to Quit the Cigs

Jenny Brannan
Posted by: Jenny Brannan

Date: Thursday, 09 March 2017. -  
Blog, First Aid, First Aid Emergencies

Since 1984, National No Smoking Day has aimed to raise awareness about the dangers surrounding the habit of smoking.

Cigarettes are highly addictive and are extremely harmful to the person who smokes them along with the people around them. 

Road Safety Preparations: Things to Consider Before You Hit the Road

Road Safety Preparations: Things to Consider Before You Hit the Road

Jenny Brannan
Posted by: Jenny Brannan

Date: Friday, 03 March 2017. -  
Blog, First Aid, Health & Safety

Recently the UK has been hit with some severe weather thanks to Storms Doris and Ewan. Both of which delivered winds in excess of 50mph! 

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