Traditional Training vs. e-Learning
Date: Thursday, 27 August 2015. -
Blog, Training
Determining whether to go for a traditional training course or an online course can be a difficult task; allow us to break down the plus points and negatives of both options, to make your life that little bit easier.
It can be incredibly difficult to process large chunks of information. We appreciate that after about 20 minutes of someone talking at you none stop, your brain starts to switch off; you start daydreaming about cooking up a storm in the kitchen later that evening, making a mental note of ingredients you need to pick up on your way home. Meanwhile, you have missed five minutes worth of vital information on first aid practices that may just save someone’s life!
We understand that people learn in different ways, therefore, we mix our teaching methods up a little- keeping our learners alert and interested in what our trainers have to say.
Kinesthetic learners prefer to process information by completing tasks that involve movement. Our trainers accommodate by breaking the training sessions up into chunks talking through each process and then using role-play to demonstrate how the learner should respond to different scenarios. Our learners will learn first-hand how to put someone in the recovery position, how to patch up a wound and how to perform effective CPR. This hands-on approach helps our learners to develop their confidence- practice makes perfect after all!
For the more computer savvy individuals, we also offer online courses that you can access at the click of a button. Imperative Training has relaunched the online learning site to bring you a huge selection of virtual courses. With over 300 bite-size courses on a number of various topics such as food hygiene, safeguarding children and hospitality, there’s bound to be a number of courses that will meet the needs of your business.
Now for the tricky part; deciding the type of course you should sign up for. Which one do you think your staff will find the most beneficial? If you’re still unsure, we have created a list of pros and cons of a physical training course vs. e-learning that may help you to make that all-important decision.
- Our trainers are on hand to offer learners guidance so that they can improve their technique
- Learners are able to ask experts direct questions relating to the course content
- Learners are provided with course material that they can refer back to for answers
- The majority of our courses are assessed continuously throughout rather than with a written exam at the end
- Training sessions are light-hearted and fun. They could even be considered bonding sessions for your staff
- You will not be able to work at your own pace as there are up to 12 other delegates in the classroom session
- You have to take more time away from your normal job role to complete training
- Training must be completed in the assigned sessions- you cannot dip in and out of it
- Learners can work at their own pace
- Learners can access the course from anywhere at any time- providing there’s an internet connection
- You can make a saving if you opt for an online course as you no longer have to factor in travel arrangements and venue hire etc
- Interactive stimulus, the use of animation and audio keeps learners engaged
- You can dip in and out of the course- it does not have to be completed in one sitting
- Online training reduces the amount of time away from the workplace
- The online courses will not include physical activities that allow learners to practice the skills they have learned, such as practicing CPR and bandaging
- Learners may require background knowledge in the field before they complete the course
- Learners will not receive ongoing guidance and support from an expert on the subject matter
If you would like any further information about one of our courses, contact our customer care team on 0845 071 0820.