The 12 First Aid Tips of Christmas: Defibrillation
Date: Thursday, 17 December 2015. -
Blog, First Aid, Defibrillators
Some people would say that the best part of Christmas is giving and receiving gifts. Although it’s fantastic receiving something on your wish list, the greatest gift you can receive is a lifetime of wonderful memories and adventures. (Cheesy but true!)
Just imagine for a second that your life was cut short by an underlying heart condition that had gone undetected until it was too late. This is what happens to many people that have suffered a cardiac arrest. However, with the right know-how and quick thinking we can save someone experiencing cardiac arrest.
In the 11th addition of the 12 Days of First Aid Tips, we will teach you how defibrillation is used to treat cardiac arrest.
11# Defibrillation
Cardiac arrest is an electrical disturbance in the heart that stops it from pumping effectively, the heart quivers stopping oxygenated blood from being pumped to the vital organs.
The only definitive treatment for sudden cardiac arrest is defibrillation. The sooner you get a defibrillator to a victim of SCA the better because for every minute lost they will lose 10% of their survival chances. If there isn’t a public access defibrillator nearby then you must call for an ambulance straight away.
AED’s or automatic external defibrillators are user-friendly devices with voice prompts and bold diagrams that help the first responder through the process. All you have to do is switch it on and await further instruction; this means that just about anyone can use this equipment to save a life.
Check out our online store imperative supplies' range of defibrillators to find the perfect life-saving device for you.
If you have any questions about the defibrillation process, feel free to contact our customer service team on 0845 071 0820.