12 Days of First Aid Tips: First Aid Kits
Date: Thursday, 17 December 2015. -
Blog, First Aid
The end of the year is drawing closer; in fact, it’s just over a week away! Remember the New Year’s resolutions you set last year? You totally intended to stick to a strict exercise regime and have a more balanced diet, but the chilly weather and the leftover stash of mince pies made it impossible.
We set these goals with the best intention to develop our repertoire of skills or to have a healthier lifestyle so that we can look back at the end of the year feeling content. However, more often than not it just doesn’t happen, so rather than feeling deflated this time next year, set yourself a more attainable goal. We advise that you should always ensure that you have a first aid kit to hand filled with essential items because you never know when you might need them.
First aid kits aren’t just useful for dealing with bumps and scrapes; having bandages readily available could be the difference between life and death.
In the final instalment of the 12 Days of First Aid Tips, we want to recap the important items to stock in your first aid kit with the help of our fancy new infographic.
That brings us nicely to the end of our festive first aid tips. Head over to the imperative supplies website our one-stop-shop for access to all of your first aid essentials at just the click of a button.
Maybe this year you might consider adding learning first aid to your list of resolutions. We provide engaging and enjoyable training and course material to help you refresh your knowledge on a regular basis, making the learning process as easy as possible. You’re sure to be beaming with pride if you fulfil the goal of learning how to save lives.
From everyone at imperative training, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!